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Brockweir Village Shop and Café has now fully reopened! We look forward to seeing you all soon! 

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We have reopened! See below for our opening hours! 

Opening Hours

                    Shop                    Cafe       (Lunch)

Monday       0900-1800    1000-1700    1200-1430

Tuesday       0900-1800    1000-1700    1200-1430
Wednesday  0900-1800   1000-1700    1200-1430
Thursday     0900-1800    1000-1700    1200-1430

Friday           0900-1800    1000-1700    1200-1430
Saturday      0900-1800    1000-1700    1200-1430
Sunday        1000-1600    1000-1500     1200-1430


Update from 9th November 2024



This week marks the last week for the temporary shop and cafe.  When we close on Sunday (at 4pm) we will be shut for 4 weeks to allow the final stages of reinstatement from the fire to be completed.  A 4 week closure means its SALE time!  We are selling off our remaining stock at discount so pop in to stock up and see what bargins you can grab!  Please do not ask for any parcels to be dropped at the shop, for much of these 4 weeks we have no access, nor undercover storage outside.


We have plaster drying out throughout the works, lots of new oak and fresh paint.  On Monday, the temporary wall that was fitted in December 2023 to enable us to have the interim shop and cafe facilty over these last 7.5 months will be demolished.  Our full return is so near!   We are so looking foward to welcoming you all into the newly refurbished shop and cafe in December ready for the next 20 years of business!  We will contine to send updates during these final 4 weeks of reinstatement.


Thank you for your continued support!


Management and committee

Update from 20th October 2024 


After last weeks "reveal" when the scaffolding was taken down, progress this week has been a little less obvious with majority of activity inside.   As identified a week or so ago, a few unexpected things have arisen during the works and at the end of this week the contractor confirmed his revised schedule for the completion and the period required for the shop to be completely closed.  We are both excited and sad to announce that our temporary shop and cafe will be closing on the 11th November for the final reinstatement works to be completed including the removal of the temporary wall that has divided our temporary space from the building works.   The main change in the schedule is that this temporary closure is likely to be for 4 weeks not the 2 originally expected.   As a consequence of this longer temporary closure, we will need to be managing, therefore reducing, stock levels in the next few weeks very carefully so that we are not left with a large amount of stock that becomes waste due to dates or needs to be stored during the closure.  We apologise in advance if you don't find what you are looking for, but it will be back in December!     


Now we know the provisional dates for the temporary closure we are working through detailed plans for our full reopening.  We will be in touch soon with more details.   We will miss seeing you all during this extended closure, but it will be worth it for when we reopen!  We so appreciate your continued support during this period.


Management and Committee

Update from 12th October 2024 


As the saying goes, pictures show a thousand words.  Such a great milestone this week, the scaffolding and large "white tent" that has been supporting and protecting the building from the elements for the last 13 months has finally been removed!  Our new roof is fully revealed as are the repaired external walls, the new wood showing the extent of external damage from the fire.   Internally progress also remains good with plastering starting.  Next week plastering will continue along with other internal works as well as starting the drainage connection for the new downstairs toilet.  We will retain a temporary drainage connection so that the cafe will main operational.


We had hoped to hear this week about the schedule for the completion, as well as length and timing of the closure before opening, but details are still not clear.  When they are we will share on emails, social media and in the shop and cafe.  


Thank you for all the support over this challenging period and we hope to see you soon in the shop and cafe.


Management and committee

Update from 6th September 2024



Building work:  A quick update at the end of another week.  More visible progress.  The new solar panels have been installed and commissioned, although it hasn't been the best week for generating zero carbon electricity! Replacement cladding has been completed on the external front left elevation.  Internally, first fix plumbing is also done and work has started on elements of reinstatement of the upstairs toilet.  Next week, weather permitting, slating of the roof will continue and internally plans include first fix of new electrics!    The detailed schedule for the two week shutdown ahead of reopening the refreshed shop in late November/early December still has to be confirmed. 


Fancy volunteering?   Next week we have a few shifts that could do with filling:  Thursday - Cafe and Till 12-2, Friday - Till 10-12, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6, Cafe 2-4 and Restocking shelves 4-6.  Get in touch if can fill any of these, training and guidance provided if you are new!


Hope to see you soon 


Management and Committee

Update from 30th August 2024 



Building:  It is great to see more visible progress this week with the old solar panels stripped off the roof ahead of the start of reroofing next week with reclaimed Welsh slate and solar panels.  In parallel there has been continued progress inside with more stripping out of plasterboard, wiring and plumbing.  Partitioning for the new downstairs toilet has been installed and along with work on the upstairs floor around the atrium.  Next week as well as the start of roofing, recladding of fire damaged wall both inside and out will continue. 


Volunteers: looking forward to next weekend the shift rota is looking quite bare!  Please get in touch if you are around and available to do a shift.  Saturday : till and cafe  12-2 and 2-4 and Sunday till and cafe on all shifts (10-12, 12-2, 2-4).  Thanks for your consideration!


Management & Committee

Update from 23rd August 2024 

 A quick update of activity this week and plans for next:


Building works update:  at the end of week 2 of the main reinstatement contract not only has most of the damaged material from the loft space been removed, but first fixes on replacement elctrics and plumbing are underway and work on the new fire alarm and fire system work upstairs is also in progress.  The final kitchen design has been submitted for final sign-off and we are so grateful for the ability to integrate the feedback that we received from our lovely volunteers during recent shifts and at our volunteers meeting on Tuesday.  A highlight next week is that work starts on the roof!


Shop update news:  We will be open on Bank Holiday Monday - hours will be shop 10:00-4:00 and cafe 10:30-3:00 (with lunch from 12:00-2:30).


Electricity work in the village:  We, and a number of surrounding properties, have received notification that there is a planned power shut down on Wednesday.  We have sourced a back up generator to keep our fridges and freezer working so plan to be open.  So if you are affected by the power outage then why not pop in for a cuppa?  (We are not sure if internet/wifi will be working (required for the card machine) so it might be cash only (!) but we will update when we find out!)


Volunteers:  our available volunteer slots for next week are:  Bank Holiday Monday (10-12 cafe, 12-2 cafe x2); Wednesday (10-12 cafe, 2-4 till); Thursday (12-2 cafe); Friday (12-2 till, 2-4 cafe & till, 4-6 shop restock); Saturday (31st August) 10-12 till, 12-2 cafe, 2-4 cafe & till), Sunday (1st September) (10-12 till & cafe, 12-2 till & cafe, 2-4 till & cafe).  Get in touch if you are interested in doing one of these!  


Hope to see you soon in the shop and cafe.


Management and committee

Update from 18th August 2024 

Building/works update:  This week the on-site phase of the main works contract has finally started.  The contractor has set up the welfare facilities and started onboarding subcontractors.  As part of subcontractor selection, we have shared our preference for using local companies if possible and understand that a local compay is onboard for the removal of "furniture and fittings".  A key focus this first week, alongside setup/onboarding, has been clearing out the first floor enablng more detailed inspections of the upstairs partition wall which has been found to be sound beneath the plasterboard.


Car parking capacity:  We recognise that the contractors compound does take up car parking space but it is a necessary part of any works contract so an important downside of getting our shop and cafe back to what it was.  Please do park considerately during this period.


Playground:  the play area remains open with a clear access route near the entrance to the car park


Shop and cafe news:  Brook Farm bread is now back in after a summer holiday - with a delivery once a week on Fridays.  We have also introduced a line of patisseries for that special dessert or afternoon treat!  


Volunteers: Depsite our shorter hours we are still short of volunteers and much dependent on a very few individuals covering a lot of shifts.  We will be posting regularly the shifts we need covered so if you want to see what volunteering at the shop is like then get in touch.   For the week ahead we are looking for volunteers for cafe Wednesday (20th) 10-12, Thursday (21st) 12-2, Friday (22nd) 2-4 and till Wednesday 2-4, Friday 12-2 and 2-4, Saturday (23rd) 12-2 and 2-4, Sunday (24th) 10-12 and 2-4.  Full training given!


As these works progress we will provide more regular updates than we have over the last few months so that you can keep appraised of the activities "behind the hoarding".


Hope to see you soon.


Management and committee.

Update from 6th July 2024

We are pleased to let you all know that the main works contract to reinstate the "cafe end" of the building has finally been let.  We were waiting for the final decision for most of June - hence no news from us!   The confirmation to the contractor has only just been issued so details of the works schedule are not yet known.  However, initial indications during contract negotiations suggest a month or so for mobilisation and around 4 months for the work.  This programme will include a 2-week closure for the interim shop and cafe whilst the temporary retaining wall is removed and walls/celling etc all made good.  We will endeavour to get further clarity on the schedule in the coming week or so as the contractor mobilises, and we will update as we learn more.


Also, a quick plea from us over the summer - we would love to see more new (or old) volunteers - your shop and cafe needs you!  Some of our regular volunteers have well-earned summer holidays coming up which makes our "light" volunteer coverage even thinner.  Whilst some of our volunteers have a regular weekly "slot", others have a monthly commitment, and some keep an eye on the rota and sign up for "fillers" around their other commitments - our volunteering model is very flexible!  If you are interested to find out more, then do pop in and ask to talk to Kris or Ferne (or call 07955328516)


Hope to see you all soon


Management and Committee

Update from 8th June 2024

Coming at the end of national volunteers week, in this communications update we mainly just want to give a shout out and thanks to all of the volunteers that make our village shop and café what it is, both currently and throughout the last 20 years. It is truly a shop and café of the community so thanks to everyone that has contributed!


Regarding the ongoing work for the rebuild, the tender analysis is now complete and we are waiting for the final approvals so that we can start on the final stage of our rebuild post the fire. Once this is signed off and the schedule forward is known we will share.

Management and Committee

Update from 25th May 2024 

Building news: The tender and evaluation stage for the main building works is progressing but still in process. So whilst we don’t have agreed timescales we are expecting that the contractor will be appointed in June followed by a lead in period before works taking place over the summer. We will continue to update as and when we receive more detail. In the meantime, the work on the structural timbers has been progressing well (just hidden by the scaffold and tent structure).


Shop and café news: We will be open on bank holiday Monday, opening hours for the bank holiday weekend will be 10-4 for the shop and 10:30-3 for the café with lunch served 12-2:30.


Volunteers: If you are potentially interested in volunteering with us, then do get in touch with Kris to find out more or chat through any concerns you might have (07955 328516). Our current volunteers aren’t just working on the till, stacking shelves or working in the kitchen, the day to day running of the shop and café currently also benefits from administration and book keeping volunteer skills, not to mention the occasional trip to a local supplier to collect stock when deliveries aren’t able to be organised – so please don’t presume that your skills don’t fit!



Management and committee

Update from 11th May 2024 

At last we have had a reminder of what sun and warmth can be like! The individual ice creams and ice pops that we stock in the shop were definitely popular yesterday as were the cold drinks from the drinks fridge. We have also have a seasonal look to the vegetable selection with Jersey Royal's and local Wye Valley asparagus, a treat for a weekend meal outside?

For the building works, the tender evaluation and review exercise is still ongoing and the lost adjuster had a visit to the shop this week to review and discuss the planned works. He was impressed by the look of the interim shop and cafe which is great. We still don't have the final timescales for the main works but will update when we receive.

We continue to be low on volunteer numbers, so do get in touch with Kris or Ferne if you have been wondering about doing some volunteering, 07955 328516. For those of you who have previously volunteered with us, the new till is definitely far easier to use, the kitchen has a lot more space and shifts shorter, just 2 hours.

We look forward to seeing some of you in the shop and cafe, may be enjoying a cuppa and cake (yozu and lemon slice anyone?) in the lovely sun?

Management & Committee

Update from 12th April 2024 

We have now been reopened for more than a month and it continues to be so nice to welcome people into the refreshed shop and café. Our stock range continues to grow with greater choice available. For instance, the popular Brook Farm bread is now back to being delivered twice a week and we now have both Chase and Brookes Dairy ice creams available in individual sizes which we didn't have initially.

As a reminder we are open Wednesday through Sunday. With the shop open 10-4 (later opening on Friday until 6). The café is open from 10:30 to 3 for drinks and cakes with lunch served 12-2:30.

Those of you you have visited in the last week, you may have noticed the balloons (thanks to one of our wonderful volunteers!). The shop and café have passed a considerable milestone, celebrating 20 years since we first opened our doors. We are planning a celebration but will be combining this with celebrating our full reopening later in the year once the fire reinstatement works have been completed.

Hope to see you soon.


Update from 29th March 2024 

Building update: Planning permission for the new solar panels and slates on the roof has finally been received. Works continue on the final third of the building, with structural works ongoing whilst the main works contract is out to tenderers.


Shop and cafe: We continue to enjoy welcoming you back into the shop and cafe and really appreciate all of the compliments on our new look - it has truly been a team effort to get to this stage in our recovery since the fire. Now custom has started to build up we have moved the marquee off the car park to increase car parking space (thanks to the volunteer crew!). We have also moved some of the shop shelves around (thanks to Kris for his foresight putting them on wheels!) and increased the number of tables in the cafe.


We hope to see some of you during the Easter weekend - don't forget we are open 10am-4pm on Easter Monday


Management and Committee


Update from 15th March 2024 

We have now been back open for 8 days and have really enjoyed seeing some of you back in the shop and café. Our shelves are slowly filling back up as we get back on our supplier's delivery routes. We now have fish (Severn and Wye Smokery), fresh meat, fruit and veg, diary, frozen baked products (Hedonist) and a variety of general groceries as well as our bulk Ecover and dry goods. We are expecting additional lines next week including flour which we know that some of you have been asking for. If you don't see an old favourite that you want then please ask and we will endeavour to identify it as a priority.

In the cafe, our favourite cakes are back so do come down for a cuppa for pick up a takeaway slice of cake on your way past. We now have a new sandwich toaster and have been serving a variety of toasted sandwiches and will be trialling paninis next week.

Finally, we still need more volunteers so do get in touch to find out more!

Management and Committee

We have reopened!!!!! 

Wed-Sun 10-4 (6 on a Friday!) 

Update from 16th January 2024

Progress towards opening the interim shop has continued on track this week, with rewiring and painting taking place this week. We held a social for our volunteers last night. It was a great turnout with over 50 people and it was so good to come together and catch up as well as share the plans for the interim shop, cafe and kitchen. The 3-D virtual model that Kris had created really helped to imagine what it will be like.

Our next event will the Winter Warmer evening on 25th Janaury at the Mac Hall for which we still have a few places avalable, so book now ( if you want to come! This will start at 7.30pm with a great 3 course menu for £27.00 including VAT. Drinks will also be available to purchase. We ask you to please choose your menu when you book so we know what to make to prevent waste.

Starter: Prawn Cocktail or Greek Salad
Mains: Hearty Beef Stew or Mushroom Bourguignon
Dessert: Chocolate Torte or Pecan Pie

Thanks and have a great weekend!

The Management and Committee

Update from 3rd November 2023 

Been another week with not so much progress. Having received the structural engineers report at the end of last week, the information about reinstatement work involved has been issued to our temporary works contactor and loss adjustor for pricing and approving. We are still waiting feedback regarding options for a temporary shop and café and also are still waiting for the forensic report.
Alongside this activity, we have been starting to discuss the possible longer term strategy for the building, i.e. beyond the reinstatement due to fire damage are there other updates we might want to think about, how could we approach funding for these and what might be possible timeframes. As outlined at the public meeting in the summer, the timing for these is well into the future so that we don't delay the reinstatement and we will be sure to engage in the coming months.
We are hoping for more progress in the coming weeks and will be sure to share!
BHVSA Management and Committee

Update from 27th October 2023

The main development is that the structural engineers report has been completed and issued in the last few hours. It appears that the main structural work be limited to the café end of building although there are a few additional comments that will need input from an oak frame specialist. With our loss adjuster on holiday this week, we have not been able to progress further discussions regarding options for a temporary shop and café but we hope that on his return we will be able to make progress in this area next week. We also are still waiting to hear the outcomes from the forensic investigation.
BHVSA Management and Committee

Update from 20th October 2023


Seems less to report this week as works on the stripping and assessment is continuing with no major news or outcomes yet. The building and temporary roofing does seem to have survived the recent heavy rains! 

Building: Damaged building fabric continues to be removed from the building, several skips have been filled over the last week or so. All the roofing under the temporary roof has now been stripped as well as plasterboard in several areas. Our structural engineer has also visited this week and is currently assessing what work would be required to stabilize the building so it would be safe to be occupied as a temporary shop and café whilst the major work is carried out. We should get the results of the survey and recommendations in the next week or so which will enable us to finally start to understand the extent of work required to get our building back!

Insurance: We are still waiting to hear the outcomes of the forensics assessment, we will update you when we have any news. 

Coffee mornings: These continue to be held at the MacHall (10-12 on a Wednesday)


BHVSA Management and Committee

Update from 13th October 2023

Building: The striping out of damaged fabric has continued this week. The atrium space above the cafe is now closed off at the first floor level and celling level with additional scaffolding for the safety of contractor staff who are now removing more of the roof and walls. This work needs to be completed to enable us to have, what is likely to be a key meeting between our structural engineer and loss adjustor to enable the extent of rebuilding to be discussed. Our discussions with the loss adjustor regarding temporary facilities so that we can have some form of shop and cafe open during the main rebuilding work continue.

Coffee morning: After a week off it was really nice to have a coffee morning this week and the next one will be on Wednesday 18th.


Update from 6th October 2023

Building: The contractor has started striping out damaged fabric this week. The focus this week has been on the ground floor, and damaged fabric (including the plasterboard ceiling) has been stripped from the cafe, kitchen and about half of the shop. This stripping will continue next week with a meeting between our structural engineer and the loss adjuster shortly afterwards which will enable the extent of rebuilding to be discussed.
Insurance: Following receiving an interim payment for business interruption a few weeks ago, the framework for our business interruption insurance claim has now been agreed and the balance of our first quarterly payment will be paid next week.
Show for the Shop: We are immensely grateful to everyone who organised, participated and attended the show for the shop last Saturday. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did including Kris' limerick!
Coffee morning: After a week off, we are planning another coffee morning on Wednesday 11th 10-12 in the Mac.
BHVSA Management and Committee

Update from 29th September 2023 

Another weekly update for you all:

Building: Following the completion of the on-site forensics and debris clearance last week, we are still waiting for final approvals for dismantling of damaged building fabric. However during this week, the scope of this work has become clearer and is expected to include stripping out ceiling, part of the roof, kitchen, cafe, toilets, some solar panels, gable end timber cladding and the mezzanine above the cafe. We are also pricing for approval our current plans for a temporary kitchen and cafe which will also require approval from the loss adjuster.

Coffee mornings: After great attendance this week please note that there isn't a coffee morning next week so the next one will be Wednesday 11th (10-12) in the Mac Hall.

Show for the Shop: Don't forget the fundraising show for the shop on Saturday night (30th September). Indications are it will be a good night, Kris has got his act ready. Tickets are available on the door 6:30 for 7. More details are in the September Village news and there are posters on lamp posts around the village. Donations will be going to the shop improvement fund.

Update from 22nd September 2023

Another weekly update for you all:

Building: The on site forensic investigation activities concluded this week which has enabled contractors to start their activities. The café has been cleared of debris and next week the dismantling of damaged building fabric will start which will allow a structural assessment. The outcomes of assessment will be key for understanding what is required to get back to a fully functioning building, shop and café. We are continuing to engage with the insurer about options for some form of temporary café and shop arrangement and will share once options are clearer.

Coffee mornings: These are continuing, so if you want to have an opportunity to catch up somewhere dry, Wednesday mornings 10-12 in the Mac Hall.

Show for the Shop: Hopefully you have all seen the adverts for what should be a fun evening (6:30 for 7 September 30th in the Mac Hall). More details are in the September Village news and have heard that there are posters on lamp posts around the village.


Village Shop Management and Committee

Update from 15th September 2023 

Building: The forensic inspector has spent time this week sifting through the fire debris and once this is completed, our contractor can mobilise to pull back all fire damaged material. It is provisionally planned for this to be middle of next week. We are still looking at and costing options for a temporary shop and cafe, potentially within part of the building, whilst work on rebuilding other parts is conducted. Over the next few weeks to hope to better understand the activities that might be required to enable this and therefore possible timescales. Once we have more information on this we will share.
Coffee mornings: These continue and the next one will be held next Wednesday 10-12 at the MacHall. If you want to help please contact Ferne.
Pizza: The wood fired pizza van will in the shop car park Saturday evening between 5:30 and 7:30. Please call ahead to place your order to guarantee availability. 07540 700710. The menu is on our instagram and facebook pages.
Sourdough: In case you missed the post last week, Paul at Brook Farm Bakery is back from his holiday and baking. You can order direct from his website before 11am on a Wednesday and then pick up between 5:30 -6pm on a Friday in the shop car park. Look at the details on his website How to Order — BROOKFARMBAKERY
Enjoy the weekend
BHVSA management and committee.

Update from 8th September

Another relatively slow week for news:
Building: Now that the scaffolding is complete and the roof is finally watertight the remaining investigation work is continuing. So far no news on how much of the building requires work. The marquee has been moved to the opposite side of the car park to give contractors easier access to the most damaged side of the building, hopefully where it will remain throughout the project. We continue to look at and cost different options for aspects of a temporary shop/cafe and we will keep you posted as these progress.
Coffee mornings: Another enjoyable coffee morning was held on Wednesday and the next one is scheduled for 10-12 Wednesday 12th September in the MacHall. We hope to see some of you there.
Sourdough: Just a reminder, Paul at Brook Farm Bakery is back from his holiday and can order direct from his website before 11am on a Wednesday and then pick up between 5:30-6 pm in the shop car park. Look at the details on his website. How to Order — BROOKFARMBAKERY
Enjoy the weekend.

BHVSA management and committee

Update from 1st September 2023 

Not so much to report with this week being a short week:

Building: The scaffolding is complete and now the roof is finally
watertight.  Internal propping of the unsafe structures to make the
building safe for the final forensic inspection and other inspections
has commenced.  This will enable us to understand how much of the
building requires work.   Security around the building has been finished
and the playground re opened.    Options for aspects of a temporary
shop/cafe are being discussed and costed and we will keep you posted as
these progress.

Coffee mornings: Another enjoyable coffee morning was held on Wednesday
and the next one is scheduled for 10-12 Wednesday 6th September in the
MacHall. We hope to see some of you there.

Enjoy the  weekend.

 From BHSVA management and committee

Update from 25th August 2023

A few updates ahead of the bank holiday weekend:

Building: The scaffolding and roof covered is now complete (apart from sheeting) and the security fencing reassembled after the scaffolding activity. Inside building activity is planned to start after the bank holiday next week which will entail propping up fire and water damaged structures enabling the final forensic inspection and other inspections to assess how much of the building requires work. An electrician has been lined up for the following week to check out the wiring and set up a new temporary distribution to the contractors site working areas as well as another to the shop. Having electricity back is a key component for whatever pop up shop/cafe we are able to get going, several options are being discussed and we will keep you posted as we find and agree a solution.

Playground: Back open! Now the scaffolding and security fencing have been installed the temporary fencing around parts of the playground has been removed so it is available for use.

Insurance: Our insurer has confirmed settlement of the stock element of our claim and we expect to receive the agreed total into our bank account imminently. Similarly they have agreed to start paying out on the Business Interruption element of our insurance claim. We should receive the first interim payment within the next few days. There are further discussions to be had around this part of the insurance and these will take place once our own Loss Adjuster has returned from leave.

Coffee mornings: Another enjoyable coffee morning was held on Wednesday and the next one is scheduled for 10-12 Wednesday 30th August in the MacHall. We hope to see some of you there.

Finally, enjoy the long weekend...

From BHSVA management and committee

Update from 18th August 2023

There is a little less to report this week, summer holiday time! But a few updates:

Building: The scaffolding erection is still ongoing. No other building or insurance updates this week.

Coffee mornings: We had another successful coffee morning and the next one is on Wednesday 23th (10-12) at the MacHall. Everyone is welcome whether you want to treat yourself to cake and a cuppa or just drop in

for a chat!

Stock sale: We have made the decision to cease the stock sales which were dwindling and taking a lot of work, not least moving stock in and out of the shop and maintaining security whilst stock was in the marquee. We thank you for all of your support over the last few weeks. We have made a donation of remaining stock to the Forest Foodbank and the Coleford community cafe, who were both extremely appreciative of the donation.

From BHSVA management and committee

Update from 11th August

Building: The erection of the scaffolding has started this morning. Once this is fully up it will enable the final stages of structural assessment and forensics.

Coffee mornings: The coffee morning this morning (Friday) at the Mac Hall was a great success and thank you for your continued support of these. Next week, the coffee morning will be on Wednesday 16th (10-12) at the MacHall. Everyone is welcome whether you want to treat yourself to cake and a cuppa or just drop in for a chat!

Stock sale: We are continuing the stock sale whilst we still have access to the building, Saturday 5th from 9am to 5pm.

Update from 7th August 

Another week and another update from the shop:

Building: Some visible progress this week. The security fencing is now installed. There has also been significant activity behind the scenes too, the scaffolding is designed and we may see a start on site from the scaffolding contractor next week.

Public meeting: It was good to see so many familiar faces at the meeting on Tuesday evening which provided an opportunity for those present to hear directly about progress to date on the insurance and building activity and the anticipated phases to getting our shop and cafe back. Thank you for providing us with your feedback on what you most value and also priority stock items for any interim "shop".

Association membership: We would normally be asking for membership renewals in August. Given the current situation we are letting existing memberships continue at no extra cost. New memberships can still be taken out for a £10 fee if people would like to support the shop.

Coffee mornings: We continue to run a weekly coffee morning in lieu of the cafe and thank you for your continued support of these. This week we made over £170. Next week, the coffee morning will be on Friday 11th (10-12) at the MacHall, please do note the different day!

Stock sale: We are continuing the stock sale whilst we still have access to the building, today we are open until 5pm and tomorrow, Saturday 5th, from 9am to 5pm.

Update from 1st August 

Our next coffee morning is on the 2nd of August. 


We are selling off our remaining stock on 3rd, 4th and 5th of August in the marquee adjacent to the shop, ready for work to begin!  

Update from 28th July 2023 

Another busy week and some key dates

Building: Progress continues.  Loose roof tiles and cladding has been removed, the design for the required scaffolding is underway and the security fencing will hopefully be erected early next week. 

Stock Sale. We have continued the stock sale this week (Thursday through Saturday) to clear as much stock as possible before we hand the building over to the necessary works.  If you haven’t dropped by yet we will be in the marquee until 4pm on Saturday and it continues to be great to catch up with everyone.

Coffee Mornings. We had another successful coffee morning on Wednesday with over £180 raised.  We hope to see some of you at the next one on Wednesday 2nd August (10-12) at the Mac Hall.

Public Meeting: The public meeting is next week, Tuesday, 1st August (7-8pm) at Mac Hall.  We will provide an update on all activities since the fire on the 19th June and answer questions you may have.

Update from 25th July 2023

Sale! This week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (27th, 28th and 29th) we are holding a sale to clear out the shop ready for work to begin. Come along to the marquee from 9-5 Thursday and Friday and 9-4 Saturday. #shoplocal

Update from 24th July 2023

Building. Progress continues, the temporary works contractor has now been appointed and we should see security fencing erected within the next week. After which scaffolding will be erected around the cafe end including a temporary roof.

Stock Sale. After 4 days of selling stock, a lot of the stock has been sold. Thank you to everyone who brought stuff, helped set up and sell and popped in to say hello. It was great to see everyone.

Coffee Mornings. We had another successful coffee morning on Friday to close out the week raising just over £225. The next coffee morning will be on Wednesday 26th July (10-12) and we hope to see some of you there.

Public Meeting: As we identified last week we will be holding a public meeting on 1st August at Mac Hall. It will start at 7pm

The Horse Box- Wood Fired Pizza. A date for your diaries, the HorseBox (wood fired pizza) is due to be in the car park 29th July. More about this nearer the time.

Update from 20th July 2023

Village Shop Update:

Building. Since the news that we shared earlier in the week that the insurers have accepted liability for the claim, engineers and surveyors have made initial assessments and are now arranging more intrusive and intense assessments so that the work to make the building structure safe and watertight can be identified and planned. These further assessments will also start to inform the scope of what needs to be done and what will be covered financially by the insurance company in terms of construction work, white goods replacement and any other items insured etc. The path forward and associated timescales remain far from understood but the first early steps have begun.

Stock Sale. We are going to selling selling off the remaining stock in the marquee (17-20th July). Times of the sale are 1-5 Monday, 9-5 Tuesday & Wednesday, 9-1 on Thursday.

Coffee Mornings. The coffee morning on Wednesday 11th July was a great success and raised £560, thank you everyone that participated. The next coffee morning will be held on Friday 21st July (10-12) at the Mac Hall and thereafter every Wednesday (10-12). Donations of cake are always welcome.

Public Meeting. There will be a public meeting on Tuesday 1st August at the Mac Hall for questions you may have, we will confirm timings etc for this.

Update from 14th July

Sale! On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (17th, 18th and 19th) we will be having a sale to clear out the shop ready for work the begin! Come along to the marquee outside the shop from 1pm on Monday and then 9-5 Tuesday and Wednesday! #Hewelsfield #Brockweir #shoplocal

Update from the 13th July 2023 


This is a very short note to say that our loss adjuster has been in touch with the positive news that the insurers have accepted liability for the claim. The exact scope of what this means financially in terms of construction work, white goods replacement and any other items insured will now require more discussions and intrusive surveys carried out by specialists.

Whilst we are far from understanding the path or timescales, our next steps are further surveys to define the work required to the building to make it watertight and safe in the short term so the detailed work can commence to get our shop and cafe back.

We will send out a fuller update over the course of the next couple of days including plans for a public meeting.

BHVSA Staff and Committee

Update from 3rd July 2023

On the 11th July we are holding a coffee morning to bring everyone together. It starts at 10AM and will be in the Mackenzie Hall in Brockweir.

Update from 30th June 2023

A shop update before the weekend.
Our insurer appointed a loss adjuster who has now completed their report. We have been informed that there will now be a wait while the insurers and loss adjuster consider the case.
We are still instructed not to use or access the building on health and safety grounds.
We are looking at temporary ways to provide service again. We have reintroduced newspapers (order only) starting Saturday 1st July, please do let us know if you want to reinstate or place a new order and haven’t already.
While the building is off limits, we are starting to think about other short-term activities such as coffee mornings and some form of limited pop-up shop or cafe. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to drop us a message.
We will be organising a public meeting to share ideas, concerns etc. the dates of which should be finalised soon.
Please rest assured that the committee and the management team are committed to restoring the shop as soon as possible and we will do our best to remain in contact whenever there are things to report.
As always if you have any concerns, queries, or matters of interest please get in touch, while we are not in a position to accept all of your generous offers of help at the moment there will come a time (hopefully soon) when the shop needs you more than ever.
Many thanks and see you soon!!

Update from 22nd June 2023

On the morning of Monday 19th June a fire started in the roof of the shop above the cafe. The Fire Brigade were called and after some time the fire was put out. Thankfully no one was hurt and the fire did not spread to the entire building. However there is still significant fire and water damage and a considerable amount of work will be necessary to restore the shop to a fully functioning business again. The shop therefore will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
The shop is a very important part of our community and its temporary closure will be very hard on staff, volunteers, locals and visitors to the area. We were justifiably proud that even through Covid we remained open, providing a vital service to the community. The shop staff will continue to work from a temporary office carrying out all the behind the scenes paperwork necessary to running a business, and with the committee, will work towards reopening the shop.
We are extremely grateful for all the messages and offers of help we have already received, we will certainly need your support in the coming months.
We thank you for your previous custom and hope that it will not be too long before we are able to welcome you back to the shop.
Our current phone number is 07955328516

Brockweir Village Shop & Café

Mill Hill, Brockweir, Gloucestershire, NP16 7NW

Phone: 01291 570002


©2024 Brockweir Village Shop and Cafe

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